Travel to Mars at the speed of light.

if we could travel at the speed of light to Mars How long would it take?

Assuming we’ve built a machine that could travel at the speed of light, let’s calculate the time of the journey.

Here is the math:
𝑡 = time it takes to travel to Mars (in seconds),
𝑑 = distance to Mars (in kilometres),
𝑐 = speed of light (in kilometres per second).

Travel to Mars at the speed of light Dabbas Articals edited

Calculate the formula:

Speed of light 𝑐: 299,792 km/s
Average distance to Mars 𝑑: 225 million km (225×10/6 km)
= time 𝑡:

Travel to Mars at the speed of light Dabbas Articals

𝑡 ≈ 750 seconds

so travelling at the speed of light to Mars would take approximately:
750s that’s 12 minutes and 30 seconds.


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